

At Quadro Dental, we understand the importance of a reliable dental guarantee when you seek treatment, both locally and abroad. Our commitment is to offer you transparent and comprehensive guarantee terms that are easy to understand. This guarantee is contingent on your acceptance of an agreement with our clinic, which provides these dental services.

About Dental Treatment Guarantee:

It is not universally mandated for dental clinics to offer guarantees on treatments, and many do not disclose the specifics of their guarantees if they do. At Quadro Dental, we pride ourselves on clarity and honesty, presenting you with a detailed dental guarantee. Our dental professionals, including Dentists, Surgeons, and Dental Technicians, strive to ensure treatments meet the highest standards. Should any issues arise, we offer specific supports, including covering certain costs associated with return visits and corrections as detailed below.

Coverage Details

  • Dental Implants: Lifetime Guarantee
  • Guaranteed against breakage or fracturing. If an implant fails, which occurs in a minor percentage of cases, we will replace it at no cost.
  • Dental Crowns and Full Veneers: 5 Year Guarantee
  • Coverage includes protection against breakages, chipping, and cement failure. For minor repairs such as white composite restorations or re-cementing, we offer up to £100 toward the treatment in your home country.
  • Dental Bridges: 5 Year Guarantee
  • Similar coverage as crowns and veneers for breakages, chipping, and cement issues, with the same allowance for minor repairs.
  • Dental Laminate Veneers: 3 Year Guarantee
  • Guaranteed against breakages, chipping, and cement failure with a contribution for minor repairs.
  • Dental Lumineers: 3 Year Guarantee
  • Includes coverage for breakages and minor repairs, with a specific focus on the durability of Lumineers.
  • Dental Fillings: 1 Year Guarantee
  • Coverage for fillings that do not adhere properly to the natural tooth structure.
  1. Dental Inlays/Onlays: 2 Year Guarantee
  • Protection against breakages and cement failure with allowances for minor corrective work.
  1. Cosmetic and Permanent Implant Supported Dentures: 1 Year Guarantee
  • Includes breakage protection with reimbursement for necessary repairs.

Certain treatments and conditions do not fall under our guarantee due to the nature of the procedures or the influence of external factors. These include Root Canal Treatments, Dental Posts, Composite Bonding, and Invisalign® treatments, among others. Please refer to our full list of exclusions for detailed information.

Important Conditions:
Our guarantee will not apply under conditions such as poor oral hygiene, non-adherence to post-treatment care instructions, and unauthorized treatments. Other factors that will void the guarantee include involvement in contact sports, use of tobacco products, and unapproved drug use.

Return Policy for Corrections:
Should you need to return for corrective treatment, a written notification within 12 months of your last visit is necessary. In cases where immediate attention is needed, recommendations for a return should be acted upon within 30 days to qualify for possible travel cost reimbursements.

For a full understanding of what our Dental Guarantee covers, the conditions under which it applies, and what is excluded, please contact us at We are here to help ensure your dental health is managed with confidence and care.